Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quiet Days

Well, due to doctor's orders, daycare is cancelled for at least the next couple of days. This nasty cold I've been fighting for the past 3 weeks has turned into bronchitis. So it looks like it will be me and Emmy and the dogs and lots of tv time today and tomorrow. Thank you to all the daycare parents who had to rush and change plans today. This is the worst part of being a daycare provider - having to cancel on all the families I work with. Again, I apologize, and hopefully my plan to be open on Friday will work out. Thank you all for coming and getting your kiddos and making other arrangements for afterschool as well. I appreciate it and will be using these next two days to rest and let the medicine work.

Bria and Emmy with their puppy masks.

Here are a few random fun pictures from this month. . . now I go to try to take a nap!
Playing in the leaves outside Emmy's preschool

1 comment:

Luann said...

Get some rest and get better!!!!