Friday, October 17, 2008

Playing in the Leaves

I know I've added several new posts today. . . . . I'm trying to keep myself awake while the kids are sleeping! It's been a sick week around here: runny noses, coughs, sneezing, watery eyes. . . . you name it! I myself have not been immune either. So now that the house is quiet and everyone is sleeping, I thought I'd take the time to update some daycare photos on the blog.
With the leaves almost completely gone from several of our trees the kids have enjoyed playing in leaf piles. I abstain from jumping in the leaves with all the sneezing and coughing that causes for myself, but the kids love it!

We've discovered the Wrigley loves leaf piles too - she just plows through them and tries to scramble her way to the bottom. Bailey doesn't care about the leaf piles once they are created but you'd think she is trying to kill the rake while I'm out making the piles. She attacks and barks and has a regular fit when we get the rake out (or the broom or the snow shovels. . . . anything used for yardwork in my hands. . . . she barks like she's trying to fend off a giant dragon!)
Enjoy the pictures - the kids have have definitely been enjoying outside playtime. Even with the cooler temperatures that are just a taste of what is to come soon, everyone loves being outside in the afternoons.

This is a picture of the kids in the leaf pile - while Bailey and Wrigley were trying to be included in the group photo.

This is the picture of the kids - more subdued - after the dogs tried to participate! :)

1 comment:

Luann said...

Great pictures. Fall leaves are one of my "favorite things"