Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Corn Fields and Memories

I had to share a couple of pictures that just bring back happy memories - both of being on our farm when I was little and of being at my Grandpa and Grandma Wiuff's farm. The one of the kids in the cornfield is from our pumpkin patch field trip last Friday. Memories of driving through the fields to go out and check on the cows . . . Dad letting me drive the tractor and the old yellow truck. . . . . riding my tricycle around in the empty corn bins. . . . and playing out in my grandparents huge yard. . . . the old green wagons we used to climb on. . . driving Grandpa's mower out toward the mailbox. . . . picking apples in the fall and using the apple press to make homemade apple cider. . . . it's fun to think about all those old memories.

And speaking of memories, I got my Northwestern College 10-year reunion booklet in the mail yesterday. . . how fun to look through that and find out where my friends from college have ended up. I talked to Noni that afternoon and it was fun to just think about different people we knew back in Orange City . . . lots of fun memories! This is me with 2 of my best friends from college, Noni and Roberta, and most of our kiddos at that time. (one of Roberta's girls is not in the picture and she has added two more cuties to her crew since then.)


Luann said...

What fun things to remember!! It's funny how things that seem so ordinary at the time become really special memories later. Love you and have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

What's Noni up to these days? Isn't crazy to think that I ended up right next door to where you lived when you were at NWC?!? God's got a good sense of humor and timing. =)