Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gospel For Asia

I know some of you are familiar with Gospel for Asia but I wanted to share a little bit about this organization to those of you who aren't aware of it. "The primary aim of Gospel for Asia's ministry is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who have never before heard His name." This organization works in Asia and does a number of things: sponsoring and sending native missionaries, sponsoring children to attend Bridge of Hope schools, GFA Bible study, Dalit Awakening, Compassion Servies, GFA Radio, sharing the Gospel,
K.P. Yohanan is the founder of this organization and "Gospel for Asia sends 100 percent of the money you donate for work on the mission field to the field. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses."
There is a book you can order from their website if you are interested in knowing more about this amazing man's life story and to gain a better understanding of how and why Gospel for Asia was created and the amazing work it does. When we attended church at Cornerstone in Ames, Iowa, K.P. Yohanan came and spoke at a service we attended. Growing up in the church, I've heard of a lot of mission organizations, listened to a lot of missionaries speak, and am a little bit familiar with "missions" in general. . . . but this organization has taken a revolutionary step in how they reach people with the love of Christ and God is moving in might ways in Asia.

If you are at all intereseted in finding out more or getting involved in this ministry, check it out. One of the "fun" ways we like to get the girls involved is coming up soon. At Christmas time there is a catalog available to purchase gifts/donations for families in Asia who are in need of some very basic things: items ranging from $5 blankets to $1000 Jesus wells which provide clean drinking water for an entire community. Last year I believe the girls picked out buying a pair of goats to give to a family as well as a bio sand water filter, a blanket, and some Vacation Bible School material. Some of the other gifts you can purchase are sewing machines, a pair of chickens, water buffalo, rabbits, pigs, lambs, cows, tool kits, LED solar light systems, new fishing boats, new homes, tracts, bicycles for missionaries, Bibles, kerosene lamps for missionaries, mobile public address systems, musical instruments, generators, winter clothing for missionaries, motorbikes for missionaries, and more.
The amazing thing about this organization is that 100% of the money you give goes to help the people in Asia or the missionaries. None of the funds are used for administrative costs. I know that Christmas is coming up and I'm sure that if you are like us, your pocket book is filling the pinch this year a bit more than usual, but if you are feeling a nudge to do something for someone else, please consider Gospel for Asia - God would bless your gifts.
This is a link to a photoshow on the Gospel for Asia website if you want to see more about the good this ministry does. Photoshows at Gospel for Asia


Anonymous said...

Awesome - I remember you telling me about this.
Nobody ever gave ME a water buffalo... Maybe I should talk to Santa?

Anonymous said...

By the way - that was me - Tabbi

Kelli said...

Bob and Larry sing a song about a water buffalo. . . "Oh, everybody has a waterbuffalo. . . "

Anonymous said...

Everybody but me

Luann said...

I have a catalog, Tabbi, if you need to actually see a water buffalo before you talk to Santa...
I'm pretty sure I don't have one either, but I'm really okay with that...hard enough to get your dad to give Logan a bath!!
We've been looking at our catalog, but no decisions yet.