Saturday, December 6, 2008

YAY! Snow!

Ok... . we have snow! YAY! We got about an inch yesterday, but it's enough to make everything white and I got to go out and shovel in the quiet, newly fallen snow last night (before the wind kicked in). . . . ah, it's all good. I love the chance to get out and shovel off a light snow. Thankfully we have a snowblower for any big snows this winter (Thanks again Dad!), but I do enjoy scooping away a fresh light snow when it's dark outside and everything is quiet.
As I finished up the wind started blowing and now today we are sitting at a whole whopping 6 degrees above zero, but the sun is shining and the world is white - it's beautiful!
And this morning the girls and I had to make a Wal-Mart run early so it was really cold - about 15 or 20 below zero windchill, but it was a crystal clear morning and we saw the brightest sun dog I've ever seen in my life. It was truly like there were 3 suns shining on the horizon - it was amazing! And of course, I didn't have my camera and I had even forgotten my cell phone so I couldn't get a picture of it, but it was so bright! (For anyone who is not familiar with sun dogs, click here . It sounds like we may get more snow tomorrow so it's definitely feeling like winter and Christmas up here now. Thanks God! :)

1 comment:

Luann said...

So glad you got snow!!! It's been cold and windy here, too, with just a white skiff once in a while. Sun dogs are awesome, but haven't seen any yet this year...lucky you!!