Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Julbock (YULE-BOHK) The Christmas Goat

Today I tried to make a Julbock based on a picture in the book "A Scandinavian Advent of Chrstmas" sent to the girls by their Grandma Holthe. The girls have very strong Scandinavian roots on both sides and according to the book, the "Julbock is said to be the oldest Christmas symbol of Sweden. It is made from rye straw and wrapped with a bright red ribbon." Grandma Holthe had a note in the book that Great Grandma Stene used to make these from red yard and white ribbon for her tree.
So, here is our attempt at a Jolbock.. . just in time for Christmas.


Luann said...

How cute--never heard of one before, but I like it!!

Anonymous said...

Just like Great Grandma Stene's. Wow!!! Grandma Holthe

vzadventures said...

So cute! That will be fun to do with the kids every christmas.

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelli, that's impressive. I've seen a 15-foot Julbock in a Sweedish town just outside of Winfield. I'll have to take a picture of it next time I'm over there - it looks just like it! :)
