Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Waiting for Snow. . .

Most people who know us, know that we really love snow! Ok, the girls and I love it more than Jon, but he enjoys it too (especially now that we have a snowblower! Thanks Dad!). So where is the SNOW? I know that come April I'll be saying - PLEASE, NO MORE SNOW!!! But, for now, it's really cold out anyway and the really really cold is supposed to hit next week, so I say, bring on the snow! We've had a few light flurries a couple of times - teaser snows I think I'll call them - but now we are ready for the real thing. For everyone out there who thinks we're crazy - that's ok - we live in North Dakota now - if we hated snow, then this was a really dumb move!
So for you people with snow already - ummm... Noni - how about sending some our way!
In the meantime I suppose I'll continue to enjoy getting 5 kids in and out of the van several times a week and NOT having to mess with wet boots and dripping soggy gloves and layers of clothes and snowpants and hats and scarves and gloves and coats . . . . . .
And while we wait for snow, anyone with any good activity ideas, let me know. I have a houseful of almost 2, 2, almost 3, 4 and a 5 year old during the day - and outside playtime doesn't work well because it's too cold to have any fun without snow on the ground. So send good ideas my way!!
One project I have worked on (with a little help from Bria) is to make Scrabble tile necklaces. My friend, Roberta, posted a link on her blog to show how to make this fun craft. Emmy and Bria love their necklaces and I hope to have some more put together before Christmas.


Luann said...

Your necklaces came out really cute. We were supposed to get a couple of inches of snow by now starting during the night, but we just got a skiff. That's okay with Megan on the road, but it is COLD. These next days we're only going to be about 5 degress warmer than you and it's windy. We wish you snow except to allow for good driving over Christmas!!!

Our4Monkeys said...

No snow up there yet?? I guess you should just move back to Iowa... ;)

Kelli said...

I know - you guys have had more snow the past 2 winters than since the day I was born!!!!

vzadventures said...

Those turned out CUTE Kelli!!! I need to make Mickey ones for the girls before we go to Disney. They would love that one! We had a little snow, but not enough for a snowman yet. The girls are very excited for that.

Anonymous said...

Those necklaces are awesome! Can you put the link up?