Monday, February 9, 2009

New Glasses and Spaghetti Slurping

It seems as thought I have several fun new pictures to add: both of the daycare and our girls, but that will have to mostly wait until naptime this afternoon. I did want to add a quick video of the spaghetti slurping that Emmy is so proud of now that she is missing her two top teeth! She has become a master slurper!

Also, Bria picked up her new glasses last week and is delighted to have transition lenses so that they turn into sunglasses for her when she is outside... a definite perk for her. She has faithfully worn her glasses every day since she was about 15 months old and now she's enjoying these new ones.


Anonymous said...

Great slurping Emmy Sue!!
And Bria looks so grown up...

Luann said...

Bria, you look so pretty! I'm glad you like your "magic" sunglasses!
And Emmy is the superhero of slurping!