Thursday, February 12, 2009

Like Father, Like Daughter

I'm such a dork! That's not to say my dad is a dork...... what I mean to say is that my mom would probably say both my dad and I are dorks when it comes to trimming trees. I remember when we were little and dad would bring the boom truck over to the house to start the tree trimming process. Mom would get this look of fear on her face and my dad was in tree trimming heaven! Since moving up here, we have trees on our property that have been in constant need of trimming and pruning and upkeep. . . . and I find that is a job I really enjoy! (Other than trimming the pine trees.... they make me sneeze.) Sawing off branches that are no longer good and trimming up our trees to make them look nicer, to me, that gives me such a good feeling of accomplishment! So today when the city came by to trim the trees on our berm I quite honestly just wished they would let me out in the boom truck, hand me the chain saw and let me go to town. I think that me, in a boom truck, with a chain saw, is probably not the safest idea in the world, but it sure did look like fun!
Therefore.... I'm such a dork!


Luann said...

I love you both...but you make me laugh when it comes to trees and moving snow!!

Anonymous said...

Like Father, like Daughter... You would have loved being with me last week. I cut down 23 trees that were about 80 years old that were either dead or dieing. They were along the highway that goes to Tenant and we had a joint effort with the county. I cut them down & the county hauled away what they couldn't run through their chipper. I heard one of the county guys say they hauled away more than 20 truckloads of logs & it took 8 of their men 2 days to chip the rest. What fun! A bit unnerving at times though. Some of the trees towered 25 feet or more above my 65 foot bucket truck...

Love ya Dork!


Kelli said...

That does sound like fun! :)