Friday, February 20, 2009

Back In Business I Hope!

After close to a week with no computer, I am delighted to be back online! We are having a few issues with this new one that Sarah gave us (thanks Sarah!), but I think we'll be able to figure it out and then start the process of getting all of our documents loaded and those kinds of fun details. And after I find the rest of our software and get everything officially up and going I'll have to post some fun pictures of the other things we've been busy doing. We spent last weekend completely rearranging our study/computer room and we are thrilled with the new arrangement.... better in a hundred ways. I also had time this week to make curtains for both of the girls' rooms, so that is our other project for this weekend - hanging up curtains and spring cleaning Bria and Emmy's bedrooms. We definitely won't be bored!
Well, I should go and see about finding the rest of our software and re-setting up all of our internet settings, etc. It's good to be back online!

1 comment:

Luann said...

I'm SO glad you're back!!! I love reading the details of what's going on!