Friday, November 14, 2008

Favorite Book Survey

Question of the Day: What was your favorite book when you were little?

We love to read around here. We tend to devour books of all size, style, topic and age group. Jon and I enjoy reading and always have and Bria is an amazingly fast reader herself. Emmy has books that are falling apart from the hours she has spent pouring through them or having us read them to her. And we have shelves of books all over the house. So I was thinking this morning about my favorite books when I was little: "Five Beds for Bitsy" and "Polly's Christmas Present" are the two that came to mind. I like to read them to my girls now, but those are kept on a special shelf so that they don't get accidentally mixed in with the kids' books!

Emmy says her favorite books are her Backyardigans books.

So, what was your favorite childhood book?


Luann said...

Look at that---a book about a puppy for Christmas...WOW
But I remember Five Beds for Bitsy better. I had one titled "Hilda's Hideaway" about a cat who finds a hiding place to have her kittens. That one and "Heidi" come to mind. My copy of "Heidi" was a large book with beautiful pictures.

Kelli said...

Did you give us the Heidi book? I'm thinking I have it now. I also have a small Heidi book.

Luann said...

I'm pretty sure I sent (or took) that to your house when you got some other books a few months ago. Always liked that one. Probably a corny eye-roller now!

Kelli said...

That's ok . . . it's a good book!