Thursday, September 18, 2008

Awana Girls and the Tooth Fairy

Wednesdsay nights around here are officially Awana nights for the girls. We made it to week 3 and both girls were excited to go last night. It was crazy hair night as well, so they got to be extra goofy. Emmy got her Cubbies vest last night and both girls did a great job on their verses. That also means Jon and I are childless for 1 1/2 hours now on Wednesday nights! It's a win-win for everyone!
We've also had a toothless Emmy around here the past week. Last Friday night she lost tooth #3 and this morning out popped tooth #4. She's still only 4 years old too! But this is the kiddo who had 16 teeth in her mouth at age 14 months, and almost all of them came in two at a time. So, the tooth fairy may be broke after visiting our house for the 2nd time this week!


Luann said...

Wow, seeing those vests brings back memories. Not so much the crazy hair, though...don't remember much of that (on purpose, at least--I do remember one hair color incident....) Enjoy your 1.5 hours--you really deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

MOM'S RIGHT - NICE VESTS! Crazy... And mom doesn't know what she's talking about. It is so totally cool to dye your sister's hair calico one month before your wedding. Isn't that right, Kelli? I mean, they were your wedding pictures. We should ALL have let you do our hair...Tabbi

Anonymous said...

Gotta love getting some kids-free time. I'm sure it doesn't come around that often.

Luann said...

Wow I wonder how many hair varieties we could have had...hmmm.
Calico, jet black, pure white, bold streaks, maybe a mohawk cut would have even been nice...another missed opportunity!

Kelli said...

all right. . . ok. . .i get it! I will never go near tabbi's hair again! hmmmm. . . maybe someday bria will be crazy enough to ask for my help!

Luann said...

we'll stop her