Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Sisters Grimm

If anyone is looking for a fun read, check out the Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley. Bria and I have read books 1-7 and can't wait for book 8 to come out!


Our4Monkeys said...

Those look good!! Thanks! I am always looking for good books to read (oh, and the kids too...)! =)

Luann said...

They really do look like fun. I'll have to track them down!

Bobbi and Kat said...

Wow! Those look really good! The trailer made me want to read them. Thanks for the info.

I've been wanting to email you and tell you that a check would be awesome for the haiti trip. That is SO nice!!! I really appreciate your excitement for the Rescue Center. I miss you and your kids!!!