Monday, August 31, 2009

Met Emmy's Teacher

Well, I finally got to meet Emmy's teacher today and we figured out which room she is going to be in and found out who else is in her class. Yay - Kindergarten Camp is all done! Hopefully now she can settle into what school will be like and I am hopeful that she will enjoy her teacher and really love school this year. She looked a bit overwhelmed when I left the school to walk back home this morning, but she's a trooper so I'm sure she will do fine. She was very excited to have a place with her name to hang up her coat and backpack - finally something to show she belongs there! Now we're praying for a good year and that it will all go smoothly for her and that she will love school!


Luann said...

GOOD!! We're praying, too!

vzadventures said...

Have you stopped crying when you drop her off yet? ;) I was a wreck for almost a week. Kindergarten is SO hard. :( My girls actually said to me this year "Wow Mom, you didn't even cry." LOL. I hope and pray that Emmy loves everything about her teacher and class and the you will be OK as the year begins! HUGS!!!