Friday, February 27, 2009

Paper Birds and Block Cities

Yesterday was a busier than usual day around here, but it went really well! The entire group of kids (except for a sleeping Sophie) spent 2 hours in the playroom on a mission. Their mission: using all the wooden blocks and all the Megablocks they all had to work together to create a city with buildings, homes, roads and they added a park, a swimming pool, a garden and a restaurant to the other types of buildings.
After the city was complete I got out the tubs of dinosaurs and animals and those became the city's inhabitants. They all had a great time playing. Near the end, the city was abandoned and overrun by small feet crashing through and over everything while the big kids negotiated their own swap meet: seting up fees for animals and currency became other animals or blocks. All in all they had a really good time and I've had at least one request that we do that again today! Reed and Emmy also paired up with me and we did a photo shoot - I took about 70 close up pictures of animals and dinosaurs posing for the camera.

After lunch in a very full kitchen, it was naptime for the little ones, bottle time for Sophie and the big kids watched Charlotte's Web while I got the paper bird activity ready. The activity went really well for them. I had pre-drawn patterns of 9 bird pairs for each kiddo to cut out. Then we taped paper clips to the inside of the bird pair and glued 2 of them together. They all did a really good job and enjoyed it. After making the birds it was time to make the bird houses which they had a blast doing as well. Sophie enjoyed hanging out in the kitchen watching the big kids work, but before long she was fast asleep - she must have thought all this paper birds stuff was for the birds! Then it was downstairs to play with their new pets and habitats.

Everyone had a good day and got along very well. Today Reed and Sophie's mom, Katie, brought a very fun painting activity for everyone to do this morning and I think the kids will all LOVE it! Thanks Katie! Maddi and her mom also put together a bag of fun stuff for us to use today, which everyone will love - thanks Maddi and Paula! I'll try to post another blog on today's activities during naptime this afternoon or tonight sometime.


Luann said...

It all looks very cool! The birds are really are AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

wow, kel. i am really impressed. i wish i could come play. and who are all those kids? dang - good thing you have a big house!