Friday, February 6, 2009

For Tabbi

Apparently I have been negligent in the amount of posts this week, and as I have been a wee bit on the busy side today with playing out in the snow with the kids this morning, lunch, baking cookies this afternoon, getting an activity together for early-out afterschool kids, doing the activity (which was WAY more leader-involved than I anticipated), serving snacks, getting ready to give Sophie a bottle..... well, you get the idea. So - Tabbi - here is my posting! Thought I'd share a great video from 2 summers ago of Emmy singing the DuckTales song....


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kel. I needed that. Sorry to bother you while you're SO busy... :-)
And thank you even more to SUPER EMMY--- your song made me so HAPPY! It was awesome!
aunt tabbi

Luann said...

LOVE THE WOO-OO part. Thanks, Emmy!! You are a great singer!