Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oldie But a Goodie

Since it's Thursday and today looks like a very busy day around here with no school and 3 extra school-age kids in the house all day, I just thought I'd post a couple favorite pictures. These are from April 2004.


Luann said...

Kinda makes you want to go back and start over, doesn't it? Doesn't it?

Kelli said...

start over? Uh.... no!

Luann said...

I thought not

Nichelle said...

Cute pictures..hope you are doing well...and staying warm...brrrrr..Thanks for commenting on by blog...was hoping to get a specific person to just rethink her focus of life...hope it all stay warm...hope to talk to you soon...Nichelle

Anonymous said...

The munchkins -- it doesn't seem like that could be an entire 4 years ago. They grow up too fast! I'm definitely going to have to find some time to come up there to visit...but I'm going to have to do it during the summer or at least when it's not so cold! =)

Kelli said...

wimp! :)