Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The kids really seem to be enjoying the summer around here. We were able to make it to the swimming pool twice this week and both days were beautiful to get out and enjoy swimming. They like to jump in off the sides, play "marco polo", have underwater contests, go "diving" and searching for swim toys, practice swimming and floating and just enjoy having fun in the water. Thanks again to all you parents for letting me take the kids this summer. It's definitely been a lot of fun so far!

They have also enjoyed lots of time playing at parks and playgrounds as well as making a lot of use of our backyard. It helps a lot that everyone is getting along well right now and they seem to enjoy being together. Everyone has their "days" here and there, but for the most part the summer is going very well!

I've been terrible about blogging, about getting pictures up and doing newsletters lately. It's just been too nice to feel tied down to the computer! Here are a few pictures I have taken lately though. Even the backyard "swimming" has been a lot of fun.
Don't know who enjoys it more though - the kids or Bailey?!

Everybody loves being outside!

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