Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Settling In

Bria's birthday pound cake for snack.
Aaahhhh.... I feel like we can take a big breath around here and begin the settling in process. Now that the afterschool crew is set, the daytime crew is set, the dogs are all settled in and the routine of school, Awana, weekends, etc. is becoming normal. . . it's time to just say, "Aahhh".

We are also really liking our littlest family member: Wrigley. She's just a hoot and we all adore her - Bailey included. It's a lot of fun having 2 dogs to play with, chase around the house, feed, bathe, clean up after, keep off the new furniture. . . ok, maybe it's not ALL fun, but we were already doing all those things with 1 dog - why not 2? :) The hardest part has been trying to remind the daycare kids that she is not a toy - we are working hard on trying to teach Wrigley to not be jumping up on other people, chewing on them, etc., so I'm trying to teach both kids and the dog to interact and be in the same areas without having to be constantly interacting with eachother. We already have 1 big furball who loves to constantly "interact". And by interact, I should say, lick, lick, lick, jump, lick, lick, and lick some more.


Luann said...

Your pix are great. Looks like Wrigley is growing already. The kids look like they're doing well. I'm glad that everything is falling into place for you...good deal

Anonymous said...

The pic of Bailey is the cutest!

Anonymous said...

wow. your blog really should include some pictures, don't you think?

Kelli said...

yes darling sisters. . . I have a feeling people enjoy the pictures more than just me rambling on! Don't you think?!?? :)

Luann said...

I love the one of Bailey's big nose...perfect for settling in.
Hey by the way..."hi" Bria!!!!