Monday, March 1, 2010

Dog Sleds

Saturday night sled dogs came through Grand Forks. They were originally expected to arrive around 4:30, so the girls and I headed down to the river to watch them come in. By 5:15 we realized it was going to be at least 6:30 before the first teams got here and the girls were hungry and cold and just worn out (since we'd been ice skating for over 2 hours earlier in the day). So we didn't actually get to see the sled dogs. I pouted a little bit, but I have to share the picture that was in the newspaper Sunday - wouldn't this have been cool to see?!?!!!

I also had to share the picture of the girls exploring around the river when we were originally waiting for the teams to arrive.

Here is a link to the article in the newspaper if you are curious.


Anonymous said...

awesome picture - and i love the music! good thing it wasn't something scary... tm

Kelli said...

yeah... good thing!