Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Fun Trip

Weekend 3 in a row of our travels.... this time we headed over to the Minneapolis area to spend the weekend with Ted, Jill, AJ and Trenton Radloff. We had so much fun hanging out with them for the weekend! We stayed up chatting Friday night while the kids ran around and played. After getting everyone settled to sleep the kids were up bright and early and ready to play again. Saturday was chilly but we spent the day at the Minneapolis Children's Museum and then some 4 wheeling back at the house and toasting marsh mallows.
Sunday morning Jon and Ted got a chance to go golfing so Jill and I took all the kids to the Como Zoo. Everyone was a bit worn out, but they had fun checking out the animals and taking pictures. The guys joined us at the end and then we headed home from there. We got a bit sidetracked on the way home when we stopped and did some shopping at the outlet mall, but got some good school shopping done!
The road weary travelers made it home late Sunday night and today the girls just vegged out for the day. The daycare crew sounds like they'd had a busy weekend too, so everyone took long naps and spent today just getting back into the groove. I'm sure the rest of the week will be full of park trips and maybe some water play and other things to keep everyone busy.
Thanks to Ted, Jill, A.J. and Trenton for a wonderful weekend! We all had so much fun hanging out with you guys!!! Emmy, A.J. and Bria on the giraffe statues

Trenton, A.J., Emmy and Bria watching the penguins at feeding time - Como Zoo

A.J. busy posing for a picture
Bria and Trenton - burning marshmallows
Trenton chasing down Emmy on the 4 wheeler
Ted with the kids on the 4 wheeler - Trenton, Emmy and Bria
Trenton doing some water painting.
Bria and Trenton on a giant ant - Children's Museum
Emmy and Clifford - Children's Museum
A.J. entertaining Emmy and Ted with a shadow show
Trenton and A.J. doing some shopping at the Children's Museum
Emmy, her favorite thing at the Children's Museum - delivering mail Bria and Trenton - face painting at the Children's Museum
Bria's letter to Clifford - Children's Museum
Bria, Trenton, A.J. and Emmy with Ronald McDonald
Ted, dumping all the kids out of the hammock

1 comment:

Luann said...

Looks like a blast!! Glad you had a great time!