Thursday, March 31, 2011

Offer is Officially Accepted!

Good news this morning.... we've been waiting since Saturday night to hear from the relocation company who is working with the sellers of the home we want to buy in Muscatine. This morning our realtor let us know that our offer is officially accepted! Talk about a HUGE relief. We were so excited this weekend to know that the sellers had accepted the offer but it's been a big weight on our shoulders as we've been waiting to get the final approval from their relocation company. We can breathe a little easier now and look forward to enjoying our new home. The inspection on our house up here was done Tuesday morning and although we are waiting for the written report to be made official, there is one problem that came up which we are going to need to get fixed. There is an issue with a spot in the siding on the back of the house. It's a bit stressful to know there is something we need to fix, but the realtors are being very proactive and the buyers definitely still want to buy the house - we are waiting to hear when a contractor will be over to check out the issue, recommend a solution and give us an amount. Because it's "spring" here I don't know if the issue can be fixed before the closing date or not, but if it does not get fixed before closing we are hopeful that the FHA loan approval person will allow us to just give the buyers money to put into escrow to pay for the repairs once the weather cooperates and the contractor has the opportunity to fix it. So we are asking for prayers that everything will just go smoothly with having everything up to par for the closing to go through. It's hard to sit here and wait for those papers to be signed - so that we can REALLY move. But we've been trusting God to work out the details all along and He knew there was something that would need to be fixed even if we didn't know it, so it will all fall into place. Right now the closing date is May 12th, but we may be able to move it up a couple of weeks, so as soon as we know for sure, I'll be sure to post it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Emmy's Chain Reaction

Good News!


Can you tell we are a little excited?!? Someone saw the house on Wednesday afternoon and had an offer to us by Thursday afternoon. We proposed a counter offer Thursday night and it was accepted by Friday morning! All the papers have been signed to make the offer official and now we pray the inspection goes well this week. We aren't expecting any problems but would appreciate continued prayer that the process goes smoothly so we can truly get moved.

Right now our closing date in ND is set for "on or before May 12". I am hopeful that on both the selling and buying end for us we can move that date up some, but either way it's good to have a date in sight.

We also made an offer on a house we all fell in love with in Muscatine. We were able to get all the necessary paperwork to them last night and are hoping to hear something today. The house we want to buy is owned by someone who is being relocated to another state, so a relocation company may need to be involved in the process. That should not be a big deal, it just means that a few more people may need to see all the paperwork steps, which could add a few days to getting our offer finalized. We are praying hard that this is the house we can buy and are very excited!

God's timing has been perfect - just like we knew it would be. Some days it was hard to see past the fact that we just weren't all together, but then we would get a fresh start the next day and it was easier to remain hopeful. Now we are eagerly anticipating getting to move and get started on our new life in a new community. The girls are looking forward to finishing up the school year in Muscatine as well as being excited about the big "moving away slumber party" I promised them they could have with their friends. So once we have a firm closing date set and the date set for the movers to come, we'll have to start planning a slumber party!

Now that things are getting a little more exciting around here, I'll probably have a few more regular posts than usual. At least until we get moved.... then i'll just be busy getting unpacked!

Thanks to all of you who have been praying about this moving process. One major hurdle has been jumped and now everything else can start falling into place as well. God has taken care of us and timed all of this for us in ways that have been surprising. It's been a good process to go through for all of us I think and we are thankful for this time of waiting. That being said, I am SO happy to get to live with my husband again!!!!