Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Waiting...

There really hasn't been anything new to post on here for awhile. We are all just trying to patiently wait to sell the house so we can get moved. Some days it's easier than other days to be patient, but overall we're doing just fine.
Jon came up for a surprise visit over Valentine's day weekend and it was a wonderful break from the hum-drum pattern we've fallen into. Being all together again has made us all that much more ready to be living under the same roof. We're trying to work with our realtor to find a couple more things we can do to encourage a buyer to make an offer, but there just isn't anything else that we can do to get the house sold. We have done everything we can possibly do - now we just have to wait. Not an easy thing to do, but maybe if spring ever comes and we can stay above zero degrees outside it will make it easier to wait.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Last Part - Poetry Cafe

I realize that I forgot to post the last part of Emmy's class Poetry Cafe video! After they all read their individual poems they took a break and we got to sit with them and look through their poetry books. Then the class all got together up on the stage and read one last poem together. They were all pretty proud of themselves!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

4th Grade Chorus Program - February 2011

Bria had her 4th grade winter chorus program tonight. Sorry for the choppy video - we were clear in the back and Emmy was sitting on my lap the whole time!

How Can I Keep From Singing?

Bring Me Chocolate (some of the video was missed - dead battery on flip camcorder)


Pass It Along

Sing For America (Bria featured in small group)


Poetry Cafe

Here is Emmy's part:

Jon - this one is just for you from Emmy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

BEST commercial EVER!

Ok.... i LOVE this commercial!!!!!